Monday 25 June 2018

“TANK” by Jenny Pausacker Book Review

“TANK” by Jenny Pausacker

Do you like sports fiction books? If you like sports
\fiction this book is for you.

The Illustrators name is Luke Jurevicius, she has very
detailed black and white pictures that goes with the story very well.

This book had a couple of settings, it starts on the
football field then moves to the bus, Mike's house
and TANKS house.

The storyline starts at when Mike and Leo were best friends that played football against St Simons team.
They had practice for 2 weeks and in the third week,
a new player came in. His name was TANK, and the
coach announced, “TANK was sick for 2 weeks and this
is his second time playing football.” “He is humongous,”
said Mike. Mike and Leo thought he was taking steroids to help himself grow and get stronger. So they tried to
search through his bag in the bus.

The main characters in the story are Mike,
Leo’s friend. Leo, (PG 5) likes to make pop songs,
Mr Munro, (PG 6) the new sports teacher, he is a bit overboard, wants the team to win. Danny, (PG 10)
Captain of St Simon’s team. Thomas the TANK
AKA TANK for short, (PG 11) He was taller than
Mr Munro, and had muscles on his muscles. Thomas
TANKS Dad, bigger than TANK, long flat hair, plain
baseball t-shirt.

I would recommend this book to year 6 or year 7’s
because there are bullies in school and they need to
not be afraid of them. I think the story was very
interesting and had a strong reason for the problem.

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